Mwaba Kasese-Bota
2020 ALI Fellow
Prior to ALI, Mwaba Kasese-Bota served as Zambia’s Ambassador to the United Nations, chaired the Global Bureau of Land-Locked Developing Countries, and served as vice president of the UNICEF Executive Board. Also at the U.N., she co-chaired the resolution on ending child, early, and forced marriages, co-facilitated the high-level meeting on HIV/AIDS, and chaired the 49th Commission on Population and Development. A medical doctor and epidemiologist, Mwaba is a recognized expert on subjects related to sustainable development, HIV and AIDS, as well as orphans and vulnerable children, including those suffering from abuse and neglect. She previously worked as the HIV orphans and vulnerable children and youth advisor for the U.S. Agency for International Development in Zambia, and as HIV Advisor for the United Nations Children’s fund and for the Zambian Health Ministry in a variety of positions.