2014 ALI Fellows and Partners
To read a brief bio, click the image of each of our fellows or view a PDF of the full cohort.

Lezli Baskerville

Elizabeth Bruce
Bruce Cohen

Mary Louise Cohen

John Conley

Patricia Cossío

John Dubinsky

Yvette Dubinsky

Jeffrey Dunn

Juan Carlos L. Fernandez

Lawrence Gianinno

Susan McManama Gianinno

Martin N. Gilbert

Jeffrey T. Gilling

Carol Goss

Marilynn Grais

Ronald B. Grais

Arjun Gupta

Carlos Guzmán
Andrés Hidalgo

Robin Howlings

Margaret Huber

Kathy Hurley

Carol Johnson

James J. Kozlowski

Mary Kozlowski

Peter H. McNerney

Alberto Mora

Jorge Moran

Carrin Patman

Patricia Ramsay

Arthur J. Reimers

Lindsay Reimers

Luis Rodriguez-Ovejero

Guy Rolnik

Michael Rubenstein

Inge Skjelfjord
Gillian Sorensen

Mark Sterling

Wendy Sterling

Mary Green Swig

Steven L. Swig

Torsten Thiele

Cecilia Tso Warner

Waide Warner