2019 ALI Fellows and Partners
To read a brief bio, click the image of each of our fellows or view a PDF of the full cohort.

Dirk Adams

Cristina Avila

Dan Azzi

Suzanne Bays

Harvey Beker

Katie Benson

Arlene Brock

Sarah Cairns-Smith

Meredith Callanan

Molly Campbell

David Carey

Lauri Carey

Belkiss Castro

Carlos Castro

Timothy Christenfeld

Maria Emilia Correa

Robin D’Alessandro

José Luis Delso

Deborah DiSanzo

Kurt Eldracher

Anne Farrell

William Farrell

Susan Fine

Desmond FitzGerald

Angel Gallinal

Charles Garcia

Nandini Gupta

Rahul Gupta

Jonathan Guss

Anne Hefter

Scott Hefter

Ellen Horing

Rehmah Kasule

Jonathan Kempner

Julia Kim

Young Joon Kim

Clement Lam

Richard Larson

Charles Lin

Janet Lin

Manyi Liu

Lisa Macpherson

Thomas Manning

Allyson Maynard-Gibson

Leslie Milrod

Joyce Murphy

Hari Nair

Mehrdad Noorani

Robert Okun

Roni Okun

Noel Philp

Walter Piacsek

Dwight Poler

Stephen Potter

Longhai Qian

Marietta Robinson

Robert Rosenfeld

Susan Ross

John Roth